Operational Capacity By Segment - MountainWest Pipeline, LLC

TSP Name:
MountainWest Pipeline, LLC
Eff Gas Day:
Eff Time:
06:00 PM CCT
Post Date:
Post Time:
08:31 PM CCT
Meas Basis:


Gas Day:
Segment Name OPC Nominated Firm
Nominated Interruptible
Scheduled Firm
Scheduled Interruptible
Back Flow
COALVILLE 826,000 186,324 0 186,324 0 0 186,324 639,676
EAKIN 650,000 205,425 0 205,425 0 74,232 131,193 518,807
JL46 MYTON 66,200 66,835 0 66,200 0 0 66,200 0
JL47 MYTON 77,700 66,835 0 66,200 0 0 66,200 11,500
JL47/138 AT ML40 250,000 160,408 2,302 159,773 2,302 0 162,075 87,925
JL65 25,500 7,095 0 7,095 0 0 7,095 18,405
JTL78 AT ML104 15,000 3,537 0 2,915 0 0 2,915 12,085
JTL78 MYTON 15,000 3,537 0 2,915 0 0 2,915 12,085
JTL95 NAUGHTON 82,300 32,303 14,300 32,303 14,300 18 46,585 35,715
KANDA/COLEMAN 330,000 171,163 0 171,150 0 83,100 88,050 241,950
ML103 FIDLAR 109,271 59,622 0 59,622 0 13,459 46,163 63,108
ML104 FIDLAR 448,099 367,188 0 366,566 0 1,928 364,638 83,461
ML104 GOSHEN 384,500 364,522 0 364,516 0 0 364,516 19,984
ML104 OAK SPRING 474,500 441,022 0 441,016 0 0 441,016 33,484
ML22 NIGHTINGALE 179,000 123,422 0 123,422 0 7,520 115,902 63,098
ML23 30,250 7,122 0 7,122 0 0 7,122 23,128
ML26 7,750 329 0 329 0 303 26 7,724
ML40 FIDLAR 250,000 160,408 2,302 159,773 2,302 0 162,075 87,925
ML40 OAK SPRING 32,663 0 0 0 0 653 -653 33,316
ML58/101 COLEMAN 600,000 212,331 0 212,318 0 112,823 99,495 500,505
ML68 CLOUGH 65,021 14,114 0 14,114 0 0 14,114 50,907
ML68 DARK CANYON 96,000 14,114 0 14,114 0 0 14,114 81,886
ML68 DARK CANYON WEST 125,230 59,622 0 59,622 0 10,933 48,689 76,541
ML80 FIDLAR 210,535 212,318 0 212,305 0 65,197 147,108 63,427
TL90 EAKIN 75,000 60,892 0 60,892 0 84 60,808 14,192



* Quantities shown in the Operationally Available Capacity (OAC) column represents the receipt and delivery point maximum design capacities Operating Capacity (OPC) less the firm (Scheduled Firm Quantity) and interruptible (Scheduled Interruptible Quantity) scheduled quantities. As stated in Order No. 637 "The Commission finds that the reporting of scheduled capacity at each receipt and delivery point is sufficient, and that shippers should be aware of which points or segments are constrained."